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Talking Point 92 Competition

'My Home'

A view from a window of your home or a view of the inside of your home.

This competition can include your family or pet, but must have a feeling of being at home, or being the view from home! Look around yourself from a comfy position or stand at your window. It doesn’t have to be an especially beautiful landscape or garden that you are seeing, it might be a road full of cars, or a neighbour’s washing line. The leftovers from breakfast, or the pile of shopping bags with fruit spilling out; the basket of wet laundry by the washing machine, the toys and children playing. Just look around you for ideas.

Prizes will be samples of different papers, probably individual sheets of A4, possibly some smaller, to try the feel of. We don’t have an official sponsor for this competition, but as I am addicted to paper I have quite a collection and am happy to introduce you to ones you may not have tried. Overseas members would get smaller sample sizes to reduce postage costs.



1. Pictures must be at least 50% dry colour pencil.

2. Any source material must be your own.

3. All entrants should be current members of the UK Colour Pencil Society.

Image files should be between 1 and 4MB. Please give the title of the picture(s) in the image filename.

Remember to send the best image you can as it will be reproduced in Talking Point.

Complete the form below to send your entry. Don't forget to upload your picture(s).

Closing Date for entries - 31st July 2024 by Midnight GMT.